
Let’s Talk Turkey

Simple, Transparent Pricing

Every web development project is different, and is always tailored to your specific needs.  This makes setting standard pricing challenging.  However, we know you need an idea of what it will cost to get started, so we have put together some average prices so you can plan your digital marketing budget.

*Prices indicated are examples of minimum costs for each service.  Client-specific pricing will be determined and agreed upon prior to initiation of work.  50% deposit required up-front, remainder upon completion.

**Minimal updates (eg: prices, dates, etc)

***Minimum 1 – 1000 word blog post per month.

Frequently asked questions

We get it.  Web development, SEO, hosting, domains…  it can all be a bit confusing.  

We will walk you through every step of the way, from concept to publication and throughout the life of your site.  But to try to help answer some of your questions, we have put together some of the most commonly asked by potential and past clients.

How do I get started?

Simply contact us with your project idea and we will begin the collaboration process.  There is no cost for our initial consultation.  We use a combination of email, phone, and video conferencing (such as Zoom or MS Teams) to meet with you, based on how you prefer to communicate.

How does Website Development work?

The process is completely collaborative between you and members of our team.  It begins with brainstorming discussions where our designers and developers get a sense of what you are hoping to achieve with your online presence.  We then get to work to provide you with a site wireframe, which is an outline how your site will be built.  Once approved, we then create design files for your review.  We work together to get the design exactly how you want it to appear online.  Our developers then take over and turn the design into a fully functioning website.  We keep the prototype on our staging servers until you are happy with the site.  Once full payment is received, we then publish the finished product to the production server.

Can I request changes once the design has begun?

Of course!  Our goal is to get it right the first time, but we understand that minor changes throughout the process might be required.  Just let us know and we will be happy to work with you until you are fully satisfied with the final product.

What is the Website Development price above based on?

While each site is different and based on your sepecific needs, we did our best to show what a basic site would cost.  A basic site is typically between 1 and 4 pages.  More complex sites, such as those with more pages, e-commerce requirements, or custom coding will be priced accordingly.

What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization.  It is an ongoing process that has our development team continuously working toward your site achieving a high ranking position on Google.  Now that you have your own online presence with a website, you want it to be noticed!  SEO helps drive traffic to your site.

Do I need site maintenance?

That’s entirely up to you!  We are happy to build your site for you and “hand over the keys.”  But we highly encourage minimum monthly maintenance to ensure your site continues to run smoothly and securely throughout its life.

I've already got a website hosted. Do I have to use your hosting?

No, we are happy to work with you and your current hosting provider.  If, however, you are starting from scratch, we can help host your site on our fast and secure servers.

What kind of support do you provide once my site has been built?

We stand by our clients and our products.  If ever you are having an issue with your website, we are always on standby to help.

Let’s work together

We are excited to work with you to bring your idea to life!  Let us know what you have in mind and a member of our team will reach out to you to begin the collaboration process.